I received an email from a friend commenting on my previous article on the construction of some free organic rankings. His problem was that his keywords, riveting, but it was too long. He also noted that nowhere ever scored high in the SERP in Yahoo. When I ask if you create Sitemaps on a regular basis for Google and Yahoo, we quickly understand why this is happening. Last month, I discussed automated Google Sitemaps for Movable Type, and in this articleDescribe how to do well for Yahoo.
As you may know, Yahoo uses a different approach from Google Sitemaps. Instead of XML Yahoo is just a list of URLs in a text file. Searching for information, but not too much revenue I finally found a solution. My approach was to take the map is generated automatically by Google and converts it into an XML Sitemap to Yahoo with some PHP.
Download the code of Google Sitemap to Yahoo[HTTP: / /] www.profitpapers.com/misc/google2yahoo.zip.
You should see two files: g2y.php and Yahoo Sitemaps. Txt. Open g2y.php and change the game top-line configuration, which of your site:
$ Input_file = "http://www.yoursite.com/ Sitemap. XML"
$ Output_file = "Yahoo map. Txt";
Now upload both files to the server, where the Google Sitemap. Lives XML file and set the permissions on the Yahoo site map. Txt fileschmod 777 or editable by anyone. Try to see the script and see if http://www.yoursite.com/g2y.php be surprising works. You see a number of URLs on your site? Well!
Ok, so you have that now generates the sitemap how to automate? I stumbled on this for a while ', but the best way seems to be good old cron. Open your crontab and add the following line:
0 * * * * get root http://www.yoursite.com/g2y.php
So this will run yourYahoo Sitemap Generator once a day. All you have to do now is to head to the left of Yahoo and Yahoo shall determine the site map. Txt, we just created. Unfortunately, unlike Google, you have no way to see if Yahoo is spidering your site or how often to log the exception of your review. Yahoo are you listening?
If you are in the Yahoo SERPs are far, this should really help. If you do not see this at all long after the application of these are not panicking- Yahoo spiders seem to be pretty lazy. Eventually, they find themselves.
In a future article, I could do the same for MSN Search, but nailing the top of MSN is really kind of easy if you follow basic organic SEO [http://www.profitpapers.com/papers/organic-seo-via - Item submission.php] practices. Of course spiders Miscrosoft still expect a standard for their Sitemaps, this could take some tests.
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